
Telephone: +420 723 558 210
Skype: martina-smiskova

Martina Smíšková, Slunečná 572, Šestajovice, 250 92

Consultations for children and adults - 600,-Kč/hour


Martina is a distributor, a teacher and a practicioner of Australian Bush Flower Essences Practicioner, She studied NLP (Neuro – linguistic programming) and has a Diploma in Aromatherapy. Following a very successful career in hospitality industry in executive management, Martina is right now helping people to obtain a harmony to their life, regain a strengh, health and balance. She has gone through a personal transition to follow her own heart on a path of finding what is really important in life. Martina now coaches other people to achieve the same success, while using holistic approach. Martina has travelled to many countries around the world, and speaks English and Spanish fluently. She lives in Prague, Czech Republic and works with clients locally as well as from all over the world. Martina values her relationship with her close friends, and passes her time relaxing in her garden full of flowers and herbs. She practices tai-chi and joga. Martina´s favorite quote is ... If you can dream it, you can do it … by Walt Disney.